Rolfing FAQs
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- Do doctors recommend Rolf Structural Integration?
- Is Rolfing covered by insurance?
- Does the Rolfing 10-Series hurt?
- How is the Rolf Method different from chiropractic adjustments, massage, physical therapy, pilates, acupuncture, etc?
- Does Rolfing last?
- How long do Rolfing sessions take? How frequently are Rolfing sessions scheduled?
I have put together these frequently asked questions about the Rolf Method to help give my potential clients a better understanding of Rolfing and how it can help them. For additional informaiton, you can learn About Rolfing, find out about The 10 Series, and see some of the Benefits of Rolfing.
Q: Do doctors recommend Rolf Structural Integration?
A: Often the answer to this question depends on where you live. Most medical schools spend little time dealing with integrative medical modalities, sometimes referred to as alternative medicine. As a result, most doctors generally end up learning about Rolf Structural Integration from a practitioner or a client who has benefited from the work. Doctors appreciate that the Rolf Method, while efficacious, does not have the side effects so many people experience with medication.
Q: Is Rolfing covered by insurance?
A: Most insurance companies do not cover Rolf Structural Integration, though there are exceptions. However, Rolfing generally can be covered by a Health Savings Account (HSA). Please check with your advisers for your particular situation.
Q: Does the Rolfing 10-Series hurt?
A: I get asked this question a lot. However, since I started my practice in 1991, I have never had someone stop coming due to pain. Our normal life experiences are of pain entering the body. This is a very different experience from pain leaving the body which is what happens during the sessions. Unfortunately, we don't have an adequate vocabulary to describe this. Many people prefer to say 'moments of discomfort'.
Q: How is the Rolf Method different from chiropractic adjustments, massage, physical therapy, pilates, acupuncture, etc?
A: None of these professions have integration with gravity as the sole focus of the work. Rolf Structural Integration transforms the person's experience of gravity from a destructive force pulling down to a rejuvenating force giving lift. Experiencing the Rolfing 10-series can often help practitioners of these other modalities get better changes for their clients.
Q: Does Rolfing last?
A: The short answer is 'yes', but the long answer is even better. Rolf Structural Integration is 'progressive', meaning positive changes continue after the hands-on work has stopped. For example, lung capacity continues to increase and range of motion continues to improve during the following 12 months as the body experiences a new alignment in the gravitational field.
Q: How long do Rolfing sessions take? How frequently are Rolfing sessions scheduled?
A: Rolfing sessions are approximately 60 to 90 minutes in length and are generally done once per week for ten weeks.
Do you have other questions not covered here? I am always more than happy to answer any questions about the Rolf Method and how it might benefit you. Please contact me; I would love to discuss Rolfing with you.